A young woman leaves her baby boy on the steps of an orphanage. Twelve years later, this boy, called Lewis (Daniel Hansen and Jordan Fry), has yet to be adopted. Convinced that his birth mother abandoned him against her will, he attempts to invent a memory-scanner that will allow him to remember his mother in the hopes that he can find her. He keeps his roommate, Mike "Goob" Yagoobian (Matthew Josten), up every night working, which causes Goob's Little League baseball team's performance to suffer. Goob attempts to be supportive but is finding things more and more difficult himself.more info
Meet the Robinsons (2007)
A young woman leaves her baby boy on the steps of an orphanage. Twelve years later, this boy, called Lewis (Daniel Hansen and Jordan Fry), has yet to be adopted. Convinced that his birth mother abandoned him against her will, he attempts to invent a memory-scanner that will allow him to remember his mother in the hopes that he can find her. He keeps his roommate, Mike "Goob" Yagoobian (Matthew Josten), up every night working, which causes Goob's Little League baseball team's performance to suffer. Goob attempts to be supportive but is finding things more and more difficult himself.more info
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